United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) highlight the actions that need to be taken by 2030 to achieve complete peace and prosperity in all parts of the world. SDGs are important to consider with the work we do at Anglican Missions as many align with three of the Five Marks of Mission: Tend, Treasure and Transform.
For us, The Five Marks of Mission are used as guiding principles that we use to measure our mission and project work. The first two Marks of Missions: Tell and Teach strongly influence our mission work. It has guided us through many missions, such as our clergy support mission in Fiji. This showed The Marks of Missions in action as we provided over 700 women and children with access to education and ministry services.
The remaining Marks of Mission: Tend, Treasure and Transform support our developmental project work. This work often comes as a response to a situation such as natural disasters and humanitarian crisis’ like Tropical Cyclone Yasa and our Children’s Health and Awareness project. These both show The Marks of Missions: Tend, Treasure and Transform in action.
Anglican Missions’ AWA projects align with the SDGs. An example of this is the Water For All project in Fiji, which aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 6. Water tanks from this project provided more than 200 people with safe, accessible and consistent supply of water. The water tank has now ensured there is sustainable access to clean water. This means more crops can be grown and more nutritious meals can be put on the table.
Another example is the Emergency Appeal for the volcanic eruption and tsunami in Tonga. The initial stages of this Appeal focused on immediate emergency response, ensuring that people had the resources they needed after the disaster struck. This project is now focused more on the longer term: repairing buildings that were damaged, building water tanks, and providing children with specialist social and mental health services. All of these aspects align with a number of SDGs and are helping to build peace and prosperity in Tonga.