The Church recognises that our faith calls us to respond to human need through prayer and through action. Drawing on the strengths of our Church a new group called Hāpaitia was established: The Anglican Cyclone Gabrielle Response Group. Hāpaitia was driven by principles of whakamana (acknowledging, uplifting, maintaining and restoring the mana and tapu of others). This was in order to uplift ‘Te Oranga Ake’ – rebuilding flourishing whānau, communities and environments.
Hāpaitia focussed on four key areas:
- Providing support for Wairua (spiritual, pastoral and theological support),
- Tinana (care for physical and structural wellbeing),
- Pūtea (financial aid) and
- Kōrero (communications and storytelling).
This pledge stood not only for the days, weeks and years following the cyclone, but throughout the long-term journey to recovery.