

Overseas Mission Tikanga Pākehā


Mission work is synonymous with the word “go”. OMTP enables this.

One way this happens is through short term missionary trips. OMTP empowers people to “go” and make a real, tangible difference in the world. This might take the form of a specific project, goal or outcome in a country or location that needs help.

Through its representative members, they as an ambassador for the work of Anglican Missions. They are our Mission Champions, providing a nurturing and receptive environment for people to become engaged with mission and mission work.

In a spirit of partnership with the three tikanga in the Anglican Church of Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia, OMTP is a function that enables people and parishes to outwork the Five Marks of Mission.



To create dialogue.

Dialogue helps to foster mutual support across the Pākehā Dioceses.

To be a place of support.

OMTP supports and advocates for initiatives taken by the various Dioceses. It also draws the three Tikanga together, supporting funding requests for short-term mission trips or projects that they might want to carry out.

Be a place for ideas.

Each Diocesan Overseas Mission group can bring ideas and concerns for discussion, and share and access resources.

To facilitate.

OMTP facilitates discussion through the various people and groups represented, inputting into the vision of Anglican Missions as it serves the Church.

To create accountability.

OMTP creates accountability to the Anglican Missions Board for any projects that Anglican Missions releases funding for.

To raise profile.

OMTP is a champion for Anglican Missions within Dioceses and parishes. Its members champion Anglican Missions’ work by and create excitement and receptivity with Bishops, Clergy, Parish Mission Motivators across the three tikanga.

How does OMTP work?

The Overseas Missions-Tikanga Pākehā (OMTP) is made up of:
  • One representative from each of the seven Pākehā Dioceses
  • The National Association of Anglican Women Overseas and Outreach Chairperson
  • The National Directors of Anglican Missions and New Zealand Church Missionary Society
  • An appointed OMTP Projects Officer

OMTP meets four times annually; two Face to Face meetings in Wellington and two via Video Conference. The group elects its own Chairperson and secretary for a period of two years.


Rev David van Oeveren

Waiapu Diocese (OMTP Chair)  

I am passionate about mission as it calls us to look out beyond our horizons and to wonder what lays beyond our knowing that we are called by the gospel to engage with. As a follower of Jesus, we are required to care for our neighbours as we do ourselves, and our neighbours are more than those across the back fence, so we must think and act globally as well as locally.

Rev Guy Benton

Wellington Diocese  

I’m passionate about global mission because our primary call is to spread the good news to the corners of the globe. Seeing the good news spread and the kingdom of God break through not only empowers the church and transforms lives in the places where that happens but as we partner with one another through prayer participation and financial support our faith is empowered, emboldened and encouraged as we see the spirit of God move.

Raewyn Dawson

AAW Overseas & Outreach Coordinator

Perhaps it’s another of God’s gifts – I’ve always been full of passion about mission since I was a child. It seems like the #1 adventure, to walk where Jesus is growing his church and my world family can make use of me. I see no limits to love-sharing potential, whether in my home parish or in my far away neighbours. And I am deeply thankful for authentic mission agencies that take my gifts and use them where I cannot go in person. My family and your family are both blessed.

Rev Rosie Fyfe

National Director - NZCMS

Rosie has been the NZCMS Director since 2019. Previously, she served as an NZCMS Mission Partner in Egypt for five years before completing a Master’s degree in Church History and Theology at Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pennsylvania. She currently lives in Christchurch.

Michael Hartfield

National Director

Michael has led Anglican Missions since January 2020. While in a previous life Michael was a town planner, he has worked in the overseas development and humanitarian sector for a number of years – five years for the Council for International Development (CID) and nine years at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).

Michael is ambitious for Anglican Missions and the role it is playing in the world, and loves his job as it enables him to live out his faith. Michael was ordained by the Anglican Church in 2020.

Outside work, he is likely to be with his family; in their wonderful garden; listening to music in his (in)famous basement; at St Hilda’s Anglican Church in Island Bay (Wellington); or generally getting into all that Wellington has to offer.

Dot Muir

Dunedin Diocese  

By being part of the Anglican Church I feel the call from our Lord to give to others. I hear the instructions from our Lord to go and make Disciples and help our hurting world through Jesus Christ. I can encourage you with the enthusiasm I have for this giving, onto you, knowing the Lord is directing me.

Rev Lance Pilbrow

Waikato Taranaki Diocese  

I’m passionate about mission because we get to join in with what God is up to in the world. What could be more exciting than that? Supporting overseas mission is something that every Christian in New Zealand should do. It creates a relationship between us and the people we are partnering with that helps us understand our world and ourselves better. It helps develop in us a great, wide, broad view of the work God is up to, uniqueness of all his creation, and challenges our presuppositions. It calls us out of our safe spaces to journey with God more faithfully in the work of his kingdom.

Rev Daniel Pillay

Auckland Diocese

I am passionate because I want to share the love of Jesus with others. Who are the others? They are my neighbours. As Jesus commanded, ‘love your neighbour as yourself’. I would like to see my neighbours (needy) to be taken care of either financially or in kind.

Interested in a project or mission trip?

Short term mission trips/projects are an exciting and fulfilling way to outwork the mission of the church, and some funding is available for this to happen. If you’ve wondered how to get involved or what types of trips are supported, check out the FAQs below.

We support mission trips which can demonstrate effectiveness, where the outcomes can be clearly seen, and which align with the Five Marks of Mission.
Applicants are expected to make all their own arrangements and provide a summary of what the funding will be used for. Upon return, applicants are expected to provide a report following these guidelines
Funding is allocated at the discretion of the OMTP. As a guide, in the past funding has been around $2,000 per trip.
You can become a Mission Motivator! Have a read of our Guide for Mission Motivators for tips on how to start, and get in contact with your Diocesan rep to let them know you are keen to help out.

Download an Application for funding

OMTP Funding Application